Wednesday, July 2

Day 1 - Waldbussers in Galveston

So we arrived last night and finally got the boys to bed at 11 p.m. Super! :) The house is really cool but not exactly made for little kids. We have 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. The two bedrooms downstairs are just off the carport so the bedroom door takes you outside. The upstairs has the living room, kitchen and two more bedrooms. We're in the house with Jakob, Angie and kids.

The back of the house is right on a canal so we are able to fish off the lower deck! Boats drive by all the time and the kids love it!

Today we've had some excitement! Z caught a couple of fish! We bought him a Snoopy pole from Target and he is reeling the fish in! :) Aunt Kendra taught him to cast his own pole and reel in so he is in heaven!

Uncle Joe likes to fish but doesn't like to take the fish off the hooks. He leaves that part to Aunt Kendra. :) Too bad she had taken off for a little while when this fish came in.

Here is our proud little fisherman with a little help from his teacher, Aunt Kendra. His look says it all, "So proud but please don't get it near me."

The other excitement I didn't take pictures of, mainly because it was not picture worthy. Remember the part about the house not being little kid safe? Well, our precious little A decided not to obey. Angie and I were sitting upstairs watching the little ones on the top deck because the lower deck for fishing does not have any railings. We told them, "NO STAIRS". I look up and A is on the second step grinning at me. Just as I was about to get on him about not obeying, he lost his balance and tumbled down the stairs. The kind of stairs that have gaps between them! He tumbled down about 5 or 6 of them and luckily the stairs turn so he stopped. I gasped and jumped up to go after him. He had a little scratch on his forehead and was scared. As was I! Ugh! During all the commotion Aunt Angie solved the problem and put a chair on it's side to block the stairs.

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