Tuesday, June 17

Mommy's Funnest Friend

My friend, Christine, came to have dinner with us last night. M was out of town for the evening and not around to watch the boys so she came to have a double date with me and the boys at the house. I prepped them before she got here: "Ms. Christine is coming to talk to Mommy. Just like your friends come to play with you - she's coming to play with me." Once she walked in the door that "talk" lasted a whole 10 seconds. She is a little kid trapped in an adult body. She taught Z some new dance moves, watched him play computer and Cars, sang Bonanza while he brushed his teeth and listened to him read.
Once the boys were in bed I was finally able to "play" with my friend. It was great to catch up with her and just sit and talk. One of those friends that you can pick up with right where you left off - I love it!
This morning Z dubbed her "Mommy's Funnest Friend". I have to agree with him on that one. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My date with you and the boys was the best one I've had in a long time. Z set the bar high and I don't know who will be able to top the sweet request to "come lie in my bed and cuddle". If I am your funniest friend, Z is your sweetest boy :) Great to see you friend!! Let's do it more than once a year.

Love, Springer