Thursday, June 26

Beach Trip '08 - Day 4

I hate the last day of a trip. You wait and wait to go on your big adventure only to be met with dread when that last day rolls around. If you can't guess by now I'll tell you what we did. We went to the beach. I know that shocks you. BUT! We also went to the pool! Ooooooooo. :) Then we went in, showered and ate.

After naps we ate dinner. Z enjoyed the corn on the cob so much that he ate 3!

Then we went on our annual crab hunt. Z still remembers the really big crab that jumped out of the wagon last year. He's all about hunting until it comes time to catch them. Then he's not quite so brave anymore. :) A was the wagon keeper this year. He pushed it down the beach for us. Yes, pushed it. I tried to show him how to pull but he wasn't convinced that was the best way. He took his job quite seriously. He'd hear, "I GOT ONE!" and he'd come running and pushing as fast as his little legs could go so the crab could be put in the wagon. Towards the end he got his hands on a flashlight and he abandoned his crab babies. :)

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