Wednesday, June 25

Beach Trip '08 - Day 3

As the days go on we're becoming creatures of habit. :) We've spent every morning at the beach, come back in, shower and eat then all pass out for naps. Usually we start moving around 4:30 and then it's almost time for dinner. But you know what? I'm really ok with this way of life! :)

This evening we made our way out for dinner at Snoopy's and then had ice cream from Scoopy's. :) I was up for something new so we followed my parents out to Bob Hall Pier. There are some serious fishermen out there!! Check out this kid!

We made our way down the pier and that was quite an eye opener for the kids. Knives to gut the fish were laying around. A little scary. We watched this boy catch the fish and then when it was brought up on the pier Z was not quite as interested anymore. It was way more interesting when it was far away from him.

I'm glad we went to look. Not my thing (fishing) but still really cool to watch. :) As we made our way back to the cars I got to take some really fun pictures.

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