Z absolutely loves preschool! He's such a social butterfly - just like his dad. :) He enjoyed being back last week and I heard all about his friends. M and I have been laughing because Z's been singing non-stop! We've heard the letter D song about a million times..."Dexter Donkey, Dexter Donkey, D says d..." Along with the school songs we've been hearing some from the CD in the car (FFH). He only knows one line and sings it constantly..."Jesus speak to me, ooooh Jesus speak to me..." M and I wonder if he sings that at school - what does Mrs. B think?! :)
The Bad: We're sick...again. This time it's a cold/cough but I've hit a new Mommy moment. How do you know when your child is ok to go to school?! I read the illness policy: no fever, poop or vomit for 24 hours. (Great - don't have any of that... this time.) No excessive coughing or colored mucus from the nose. (Don't have any of that either.) So I sent him to school on Monday, still convinced it was allergies. I picked him up that afternoon and he sounded like a different kid!! His voice was grumbly and hoarse and I'm sure anyone that heard him thought I was the worst mother for sending him to infect all the other kids. Needless to say, we're home today. Gotta nurse the ring bearer back to health so he will be super cute in his little man tux this Saturday!
I am so sorry your little man is sick.No fun. I hope all is well other than that! I miss you!
did you have to see Dr. G? I saw him at the game last week, went down and sat by him at the bitter end. Hope the wedding is awesome and you take some pictures...hope we somehow beat ou....love ya jenni and twinners...
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