Tuesday, February 20


This past Sunday Austin turned nine months old! He is able to do so much more now - it's a little scary how fast things have changed. He's crawling like a pro, pulling up to standing and just in the past two days he's started walking along the furniture. I've been trying to introduce him to new foods and so far he loves puffs, Cheerios, cheddar bunnies, and biter biscuits. Anything not on that small list makes him react with violent gagging. So dramatic!

Today we went in for his checkup and for the first time in the last three visits to Dr. G we actually got a clean bill of health! He does not have to take his acid reflux medicine anymore - one he's been taking since he was 6 weeks old. Last week he came down with bronchiolitis (not bronchitis - that was back in January). So I've been giving him breathing treatments two to three times a day. Dr. G said he sounds great so we can cut back to once a day for a little longer until his cough clears up. We're on the road to better days!

Zachy is learning that Austin wants to be with him at all times. I keep telling him that Austin loves him so much and wants to play with him. Sometimes he buys it, others he could care less how much "Austin loves him". He has been very concerned about Austin's breathing treatments and joins us in Austin's room for all them. He'll sing songs for Austin, bring him toys and hold books so Austin can see the pictures. He's also been very curious about the nebulizer and has checked out all parts of it.

This was our conversation last night:
"Zachy, I'm going to go give Austin his breathing medicine, then it's time for bed."
"Can I push the NO?"
"The NO? What is that?"
"The NO."
"I'm not sure what that is. Why don't you show me when I finish with Austin, K?"
All three of us walked into A's room and I sat with A in the rocking chair to set up the nebulizer. I reached down to start up the machine and Z said, "Can I push the NO now?"
I looked down at the button he was pointing to and it clicked!! He wanted to push the ON button! The way the button is positioned, turning your head changes the word. When did he learn that n-o spells NO?! Now he knows that it is the ON button, but he's right...it's also the NO button. :)

1 comment:

Galieshinie said...

Wow, I didn't realize he needed stuff like that, sounds like it would be really worrying to have to do that everynight. Glad it is not going to be something that he will have to keep doing and that he is getting better. That's nice that Zach is so protective of Austin. I like this entry.