Wednesday, February 14

"Happy Balentine's Day!"

Valentine's day was a lot of fun this year. All week I've been talking to Zachy about this day; pointing out flowers, cards, balloons at the grocery store. We've mailed a couple of cards and made special pictures.

Last night after dinner Matt and Zachy made our sugar cookies. Zachy is very into the microwave and insists on pushing the button.

This morning we started the day with heart shaped waffles. Even Matt ate some, although I don't think he was quite as impressed as Zachy.

After dinner we decorated a few cookies. I quickly found that when we were finished with a cookie Zachy wanted a taste. So the first few have a bite missing.

It was a great day with our Ladies Man and Prince Charming. Next year will be even more fun when Austin can join in on the cookie tasting.

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