Wednesday, May 29

Trip of a Lifetime - Part 1

We just finished celebrating a very big event.  On Mother's Day my sister graduated from UIW.  It was a hard earned degree (thank God she passed yoga!) and we were all so very proud of her.

The day was just as crazy as we thought it would be but so very worth every minute of it.  It started with an 11 am graduation downtown.  Of course we had to get there early to get good seats so we were up bright and early.  When we got to the coliseum we waited.  And waited.

And after waiting a bit was time!

With our eyes peeled we found the one graduate we cared about and she was able to spot us pretty quickly too.  Not really sure how that happened. ;)

As she walked the stage my eyes welled up.  She did it!  She truly earned her degree.  After many late nights, after helping the girls with their school projects, taking the girls to their sporting events, taking care of her family and then doing her own studies she graduated with amazing grades.

Well the part I left out that seemed to bother K quite a bit was at the very end.  In our defense we had a plane to catch!  Literally!  As soon as she crossed the stage we all took off to meet her at the rendezvous spot.  She said she looked over after she got back to her seat and her family was leaving.  :)  Well!  It was late and we had to go!  As you can see we did stay and wait for her since there are a few pictures from after the graduation.

We are all so proud of you, K!  You are an amazingly strong woman with a heart of gold and determination like no other.  Look out, world!

So back to that plane we had to catch...we made it!  It was a close one and did you know that when you turn 30 your license expires?  Did you know that TSA doesn't love it if you only have an expired license and no paperwork to show renewal?  And did you know that can make everyone nervous if you're also planning on leaving the country?  Yeah.  We didn't either, right, K?

Well, we all made it on the plane - all 11 of us.  Sneaky M told the stewardess that it was K's birthday and the whole plane sang happy birthday to her.  It was pretty cool!  Once we landed in Orlando we hopped on the super convenient shuttle and took off to our hotel.   

By the time we made it to the hotel, grabbed something for dinner and made it back to our rooms we were greeted by this...

Welcome to Walt Disneyworld!!


Bev Ochoa said...

And what a trip it was! We made so many wonderful memories and I believe that was the best Mother's Day and Birthday Kim has had to date!!!!

Bev Ochoa said...

I love, love, love how you write our memories!!!