Friday, August 17

Toddler Speak

Awwww...JD is getting so big.  Some days I want him to be just a bit older and most days I want him to stay just as he is right now.  He's able to communicate quite well so we always know what's on his mind. :)

On Tuesday we went to Petsmart and it's always a super exciting outing for the boys.  They looooove looking at the fish, reptiles, birds, hamsters, rats, and guinea pigs.  A trip that should take about 10 minutes usually takes more like 45 minutes to an hour.

That night as I was tucking J into bed I asked him about our day.  I asked him what he saw at the pet store.  He said, "I see fiiiish.  I see buuuurds (like turds with a B).  I see hamster.  I see tur-tle.  I see gwienie pig."  Hold the phone!  I asked, "What kind of pig?"  He said, "Gwienie pig".  Yup, I heard it right...wienie with a G at the front.  I couldn't help myself.  I made him say it about a dozen more times!  GWIENIE PIG!

When I'd had my fill we talked about other events of the day, then it was time for kisses, hugs and noses (Eskimo kisses).  I told him I love him and for the first time without prompting I got..."I luff you".  That right there makes it all worth it...

1 comment:

Bev Ochoa said...

You have awesome kids. You are awesome too!