Monday, March 1

New "code"

Growing up my parents spoke to me in English. But. During certain times of the year or even just when they didn't want my sister and I to know what they were saying they'd speak in Spanish. To this day I can understand a lot of Spanish I just can't conjugate my verbs. The vocabulary is there, the verbs throw me for a loop.

Well, now that I'm a mom I totally "get it". There are times I want to tell M something without the boys knowing. Neither one of us speaks another language so we spell things.

"Wanna take the boys to the p-a-r-k?"
"Let's go get i-c-e-c-r-e-a-m."

It's always worked for us. Just spell it out! Sometimes it throws other adults for a loop because it's so second nature for us but they catch on.

This weekend I told M, "The k-i-t-e festival is next weekend. Can you believe it's time already?"
Z pipes up and says, "I wanna go to the kite festival! Hey A! The kite festival is next weekend!!!"

Hmmmm...anyone have suggestions for us now that the "code" has been broken?


Lisa Summers said...

too funny!! our code has been broken too........we just spell faster....hahha

Jennifer M said...

try pig latin :)