Tuesday, February 16

It's a...wienie.

I've heard it's best to use the correct name for body parts. I know this, I've read it, but I can't quite bring myself to do it. So the boys know about their...wienie. It's not the P word, it's a wienie. And the back end is a hienie, sometimes...every now and then it's a butt. And that thing that hangs under the wienie...it's a sack. Don't laugh! Mommy has trouble calling them by the correct names, OK?!? Don't worry, I'll tell them before they graduate from high school.

So, back to my story.

Last weekend M grilled hot dogs and hamburgers for us. I was in heaven because I haven't had a hot dog since before I was pregnant. (It was quite delicious.) As A sat across the table from me he chowed on his hot dog, enjoying every bite of it. Towards the end of the meal he started talking and in all his talking he started waving the remaining 2 inches of hot dog around and gesturing with his hands. I watched as the meat started to come out of the bun. Finally I couldn't stand it any longer and I said, "A! Watch out! Your wienie is going to fall off!!" He looked right at me and then straight down to his crotch. Oops! I didn't mean that wienie. :)

M and I laughed so hard we were almost in tears.

Guess we need to reevaluate the "wienie"...

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