Tuesday, December 8

My Little Big Boy

Last night was a big night for us. It was A's first Christmas program with his preschool. We've attended this concert the last two years...with Z. This year it was my little guy's turn. I have to be honest. I didn't have high expectations. He still is a little iffy when I drop him off at school. Some days he's thrilled to go, others he's just ok with it and every now and then I still get tears when I drop him off.

So last night...low, low expectations. I got him dressed just as the school asked - dark pants and a white shirt. We took pictures by the tree and then I dropped it. I was afraid to hype the night too much.

As we waited to leave the house I took a look at him...a goooood look at him. He was so...big! He stood in front of the tv with his white button up shirt all tucked into his pants, a belt through his pant loops and a toy up to his mouth. He had all the makings of a big boy, but the one thing out of place or should I say the dead give-away to his real age was the toy in his hand.

We left for the church and I think I held my breath the whole way there. As we entered the church, we found his teacher and again I held my breath. I left him with her and Z and I found M who was saving our seats. As the music started and the kids filed in I scanned the kids for my little guy. As he walked on the stage I found him doing the same thing. Looking for us.

At last he found us. The grin on his face was the largest I have seen in a while. He was so proud up on the stage...so excited and so...big...yet small all at the same time. It may be the hormones but as I sat there I wondered how we had gotten to this point already.
He stood on the front row, grinning from ear to ear and calling out for Z. We all gave him a thumbs up and the concert started.

As they sang their last song my eyes welled. My little boy is so big now.


twiceasnice said...

tears too! Have that baby soon! I want a little W baby to hold!!! He looks so big!

Lisa Summers said...


I'm having the same issues looking at my girlies lately. sniff, sniff

They just grow up way too fast!!

Miss you,
