Sunday, November 29

Happy Thanksgiving!!

And we're off again. This time our destination was Waco to meet with M's side of the family. Because of crazy work schedules and me being prego, we decided to meet for Thanksgiving lunch this year. Apparently that's a very popular thing to do!

An hour and a half into the car ride, we made it to Cracker Barrel and met up with the fam. We had to wait an hour for our table but it went by so quickly as the adults chatted and the kids played outside.

Once we sat down it was time to get a few things done. First off for me was of course picking out my meal. :) After that I was able to finally take some pictures of a little visitor we've had with us...Flat Stanley from our cousin K. She sent him to us a while back and he finally made his way out of the envelope to enjoy some time with us. He loved meeting the W side of the family. ;)

Here is Oma with her grandchildren...all with full bellies.

Every Thanksgiving we trade Christmas gifts with the kids since we do not get together for the actual holiday. Not being at someone's house this year, we found a cozy strip of grass and traded our gifts out in the beautiful sunshine.

Overall, it was a different Thanksgiving for all of us, but one that was enjoyed. :0)

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