Tuesday, September 8


Today is my birthday. Another year older, another year wiser. Right? :) I must say it was a good one. I was able to celebrate with my family as well as my boys.

This morning had to be the most special moment. We were all standing in the kitchen and M walked in. He said, "Ok guys. Just like we practiced." This is what I heard...

In unison..."Hmmmm...."
"Happy" *snicker, snicker* "birthday to" *snicker* "you"
"Happy birthday" *snicker* "to you!"
*snicker* "Happy birthday dear Mooommmmmyyy"
"Happy birthday to yoooouuu!!"
M asks, "Who tooted?!"
Z, "ME!"
Wow. It was...touching. Have I mentioned that I love my life? But especially my sentimental boys. We may have to work on that for when they sing to their future girlfriends...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HILARIOUS!!!!! Boys....