Monday, August 10


There are those moments in life when you know you've done everything you could to prepare and you're ready. Then there are those moments when you know they're coming but still feel caught off guard when they actually happen. Sunday morning was one of those moments.

Z's tooth became "wiggly" about a month ago. He was really nervous about the fact that he was going to lose it but after talking to many friends he was reassured that all would be fine. Then it was totally hyped by some of my loving family members. They told him the tooth fairy would bring him money (which he knew) but that sometimes she brought you $20. Uh. Not our tooth fairy. Thank you very much!

Well Sunday morning while we were in Dallas I noticed his tooth was looking quite "wiggly". I said, "Z, do you want me to try to pull your tooth out for you?" He cringed and said, "NO!" Ok, fine. Next thing I know he's grabbing it and out it came, just like that. I gasped, scared him (way to go Mom) and we all started clapping. He was stunned and speechless. If you know Z that says a lot! It was so ready to come out that it didn't even bleed.

Here's our little boy, with his big gap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm that "loving family member?" Haha!!! :)
~Tia Kim