Tuesday, August 11

The Tooth Fairy

Well, part of being unprepared means you don't have the supplies you'd like to have on hand. So, we didn't have a little pillow for Z to put his tooth in...made me kinda sad. We made do and used the envelope that Oma gave him when he lost his tooth. We just had to make sure the Tooth Fairy knew it was for her.

As expected, the tooth fairy came and brought money. Monday morning Z came running to our bed bright and early with his envelope in hand. He could barely contain himself. Later I found out what took place:

M got his piggy bank down for him so he could get to the money Oma sends him in the mail. He made neat, orderly rows and counted his money. Then he found out how much he needed for the Star Wars Republic Attack Shuttle (Legos) and figured out that he still needs $16. He looked at M and said, "I need to loose some more teeth."

So if you see our son pulling at his teeth, just know he's trying to earn money for his Legos. ;)

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