Sunday, August 23

The Last Hurrah

We spent the weekend enjoying our time together. It was a down weekend and one that was much needed by all. We ran some errands yesterday, one of those being a trip to Costco. The night before M and I had been discussing Z and his love of Legos/building things. M suggested buying him an Erector set. I can't exactly say I had one growing up so I needed a little description. It's plastic pieces that you use a screwdriver and wrench to put together. Some even have a little battery powered motor to move the pieces. Very cool!
What did we happen to find at Costco? A great Erector set! So I don't have to tell you what our little engineer did Saturday evening and all day Sunday...

He's been in heaven. :)

After such a great weekend, I've got mixed feelings now that summer is officially over. Z's backpack is ready, his lunch is waiting in the fridge and the clothes are laid out for tomorrow. It is going to be a whole new world for us. Yes, I'm ready to give my referee jersey and whistle a break but now my big boy will be away from me 5 days a week, 7 hours a day! He's ready, I know he is, but I'm still feeling sad.

Tonight after I knew he was asleep I crawled into bed with him to spoon. He was snoring and had no idea I was there. I prayed God will take care of my baby and guide him just as he always does. I want him to love school and have lots of friends. So after my prayer and tears I tucked him in tight, gave him a kiss and told him I love him always.

Tomorrow is a big day for all of us!!


Cassie said...

aww Adriana, I am tearing up here.really. such sweet times. :)

Unknown said...

Me too (sniff, sniff). I know just how you feel. I vividly remember when my precious little girl (YOU!) rode the school bus for the first time.

After watching you ride away, I jumped into the car to beat the bus to school. Upon arriving, I frantically looked for a parking spot, sprinted to the drop-off area and watched you walk to your classroom. I think I went through separation anxiety but I returned home reassured you were safe and watched the clock until you made the trip back home so I could give you a big squeezy hug.

LYF (Love You Forever)