Wednesday, March 18

One "No" and an "Oh No You Didn't"

We're on spring break this week. Yippy Skippy! I do mean that. :) I've been looking forward to the "down" time. Here we are on day 4 and things are going great. Keeping those little guys busy and movin'!

Last week I bought new shoes for A - fun summer shoes. Today it was Z's turn. He couldn't understand why he needs new shoes. I explained that they're for the summer - it's going to start getting hot and I want him to be comfortable. "But I have my new camo shoes." Yes, we bought some slip-ons he picked out at Old Navy. Not bad, but not sandals. I told him not to worry, we can still wear the camo shoes, but we need summer shoes - something easy to wear to the pool. "I know! I want water shoes." Water shoes?? "Like Tuck from Wonder Pets."

At this point I just explained that I had something in mind and left it at that. How do I tell the kid that Tuck's water shoes aren't really...popular...and we're not going to wear those everywhere all summer?!

Then this afternoon I was helping Z with his latest Lego project. A was sitting on the couch watching our first program of the day (must say we're doing great with giving up the tube). I hear "Look Mommy!" As I look over he's taking his ever so precious pointer finger and drawing lines on our microfiber couch. Three lines total are already present on the couch. I said, "Ohhh. You're drawing lines!" He said, "Yup. I like drawing...", sticks his finger in his nose, and draws another line. AACCCKKKK! Oh no you didn't just draw a 4th line on my couch with your snot!

Don't worry future visitors. Mommy scrubbed that off in a jiffy! Sheesh. Boys are just na-sty! *shiver*

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