Friday, February 13

Class Party

Today was Z's class party. Usually I leave A at home with M so that I can focus on Z, but this time M was in Dallas for a meeting. I knew the class was going to be eating lunch so we packed a little lunch for A. He was so excited to go to 'tool'. It's funny how helpful he can be when he's all pumped and eager. Off we went to Z's party. On the way to the preschool I heard, "Mommy! Where's my packpack?!" I explained that he didn't need one today. "But I do need one! For tool!" After a bit of discussion it came out that he thought he was going to his own school, not Z's. Poor guy! But I will say that is quite encouraging for when his time comes this fall.

We had fun with Z, helping his class and being a part of the action. They decorated cute little mailboxes, passed out their valentines and ate lunch. It's really fun for me to be on this side of the parties.

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