Tuesday, February 3

25 Random Things About Me

One of my favorite places to visit these days is Facebook. Having moved so much growing up there are friends I've reconnected with that I haven't seen since elementary school. What amazes me is that they still remember me!! I think everyone should be on Facebook because you just never know who you might reconnect with.

In the past week I've had 4 people tag me to post 25 random things about me. I avoided it for a week and then finally gave in. Apparently they have given some people quite a laugh so I thought I'd post them here for those people not on Facebook (and you should be!!!).

1. I've avoided doing these 25 random things because I haven't felt like using the brain power necessary to come up with 25 things about me.

2. From the 5th grade to my sophomore year of high school I moved 4 times, lived in 3 different cities (San Antonio, Dallas, St.. Louis and back to San Antonio) and started a new school each year. It totally sucked, but I made some great friends.

3. I met Matt the year we lived in Dallas. I never thought I'd marry that piece of 7th grade hotness. (Please refer to Matt's profile and the picture posted by Cherish McClintock Dow.)

4. I hate making the bed but insist on fixing the covers just right before I go to sleep each night.

5. I had major eye surgery in '01 that required them to pull my eyeball out of the socket. I couldn't bend forward for a week, my eyes were dilated for 3 months straight and they shaved off my eyelashes and eyebrow on that eye. Not pretty.

6. I hate being the center of attention - even in a group of my own friends. Public speaking scares the crap out of me.

7. I can make my tongue into a three leaf clover. That's all I'll say about that.

8. I love cheesy romance movies and books. I know they're all the same but I love them anyway.

9. I played flute, piccolo and then bassoon in high school. I marched piccolo and only switched to bassoon for concert season when I was a freshman because I got tired of competing with a million flutes. I sucked at bassoon but I didn't really care.

10. Quality family time is my love language.

11. Yes it's true. I broke up with Matt our freshman year at UT. I didn't even have the guts to tell him. I just stopped returning his calls. But I didn't go crawling back. I was returning his Calculus notes that my RA borrowed!

12. I've been drunk ONE time. (Thank you, Jo.) But I didn't throw up and that's why I won't do it. The idea of puking does not appeal to me.

13. 90% of my extended family speaks Spanish, yet I can only ask 'Where is the bathroom?' Like that's really going to help me. I won't be able to understand the directions!!

14. When I was little I begged my parents for a baby brother. I got a sister instead. I don't think she's that bad anymore. She's now my best friend.

15. My first car was an '88 Toyota Corolla hatchback. It would shake when I went over 55 mph.

16. I worked at the Dallas Zoo as a junior zookeeper. I took care of the potbelly pigs, chicks and groundhogs.

17. My dream job is to be a killer whale trainer at Sea World.

18. I had nightmares for a month after I saw ET. He was not cute and his finger freaked me out! Not to mention how his eyes bulged and neck stretched when he screamed or how he turned white when he was sick. Now I'm getting all worked up about it again.

19. I want a tatoo but can't decide what I can live with for the rest of my life.

20. I feel so lucky to have two healthy boys. They make me laugh every day.

21. I hate drama. Growing up I always had more guy friends because they were drama-free.

22. I'm not a deep thinker and don't like to debate. Don't try to talk to me about politics. My eyes will glaze over and I'll tune you out.

23. I can be anal about certain things: organization of the pantry, hand washing, loading the dishwasher, placing the toilet paper on the holder. Don't judge!

24. I love my family. We are all very close.

25. My favorite place we lived was St. Louis. The hot air balloons landed on the golf course behind our house.

There you have it...25 random things about me. Now that I've done it I have so many more that I can add. :) And if you didn't get the message: Join Facebook! It's so fun! :)

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