Monday, January 26

Weekend 'O Fun

We've been quite busy lately so one would think that I'd have more entries on our blog. Honestly, these days when I sit down at the computer I'm here to edit pictures. Once they're done, I just want to walk away from the monitor. How people can sit in front of a screen all day is beyond me.

Friday A had is very own birthday party to go to. It was a big deal. Normally both boys are invited but for this one, Z was at school. A's best little buddy turned 3. You can imagine A's excitement when we walked in to find a Cars theme for the party.

Saturday we ran errands in the morning and the plan was to put A down for his nap while Z and I went off to another birthday party. Well, Z wouldn't stop talking about the party which made A all excited. So, out of sheer pity, we let him go. He was invited, but we were hoping to make it to church that evening and without a nap the plan was doomed. So all four of us attended the party at their favorite place...Chuck E. Cheese.

Sunday morning M ran the 3M Half Marathon. He took off before the sun came up and just behind him was little A to join me in the warm spot Daddy had left behind. The boys and I were out the door by 7:45 with gloves, hats, coats and cereal boxes in hand. We made it in time to see M cross the finish.

The poor runner was hungry so we had to take him to Kerby Lane for breakfast. It was rough, but we did it. :) After a shower, a trip to HEB and church that evening our weekend was over. I'm not sure we could have squeezed much more out of it!!

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