Tuesday, January 13

Potty Progress

We've been at the potty training for about two weeks. I am happy to say that we've made some great progress. A knows when it's time to run and pee. He even stopped playing Wii the other day for a potty break! I was quite impressed.

It's the poop we're having issues with. He's always been a private pooper. In fact, I thought this would be the easier of the two to tackle. Not so much. He definitely knows when it's time to go. He starts doing a little jig, whining and holding his bottom. So I take him to the bathroom and then the tears start.

We've talked and talked about it.

"What do you do when you feel the pee pee coming?"
"Wun, Wun to duh potty."
"Where does the pee pee go?"
"Innn duh potty."
"Where does the poopie go?"
"Innn duh potty."
"Why are you making the poopie in your underwear?"
"I duh know."

I'm going to throw my hands up in hopes that he'll figure it out soon enough.

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