Sunday, December 21

Trail of Lights

We do it every year. And every year we say we'll do it differently. This year we weren't left with many options since we spent time in Winter Park but I was determined to keep the trail tradition alive.

My sister and her family drove up to do the trail with us. We had a yummy dinner at Frank and Angie's. We left at 6:30 thinking we were ahead of the game. Oh how we were so wrong. We got to the trail at 8:30. What took so long? DON'T ASK!! Ugh! I forgot they closed the street for people coming from the Chuy's side. We detoured, sat on the access road, decided to try parking at Austin High, came back by Chuy's and ended up paying some man $10 to park in a random lot.

Once inside we were like cattle. Finally about half way through the trail it thinned out, but by that time the kids were not interested and just plain pissed. All we could do was laugh. And laugh. And laugh to keep our sanity. We made it through, spun under the tree a few time and were off. We made it home at 11. I'm not kidding.

Seriously. Next year we'll do it differently.

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