Saturday, October 25

Run Forest!!

Z is totally into running. The kid runs everywhere - to the bathroom, to the table, to his room. I've had to put a ban on running in the house because he keeps smacking into us - mainly Austin. I told him running is for soccer - save it for soccer. Well save it he did!!

Today the kid ran his brains out. He sees it as a race. I sat on the other side of the field today just to get some good shots with the sun at my back. So I was sitting with the parents from the other team. I kept hearing, "Look at the way that kid is looking at ____!" *Snicker, Snicker* or "That kid is cracking me up with his faces!" Yeah. They were talking about Z. He not only wants to outrun his opponent, he glares at him as he's doing it! It is quite funny actually. He has a pattern. Outrun the kid while glaring, then find the ball and take over. Today it led to a few of these...

After the game we were off to the MommyMixer Halloween Party on the rooftop of Whole Foods. Mary has been working her tail off lately and we wanted to support her. We went from soccer gear to costumes in the parking lot. Quick pics by the pumpkins and joined in the fun. The boys had the most fun just playing on the playscape.

Tonight we were honored to have two of the Pink kids come play with us. They are great kids and a great influence on our boys! We were all very impressed that Madison is able to pick up Z. You go girl!!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

So you do MommieMixer? I would love to hear what you think about it!