Saturday, September 6

Old Friend, New Friend

What a wonderful day with FRIENDS! This afternoon I spent a few hours wandering the mall with Jennifer and her awesome little shopping partner, Brendan. :) He didn't say a peep or ask how much longer we were going to be at the mall! :)

Then this evening was spent with my very oldest friend. Not as in age, as in I've known her for over half my life. :) My high school partner in crime has moved to Austin to start her practice and what a treat it is to have her down the street. Jo and Vinnie came over for dinner tonight. As I bubbled over with excitement to spend time with her, Z bubbled over with excitement to spend time with Vinnie. :) Poor guy, Z barely let him join in the adult conversation. They played trains and shared an orange at dinner. :)

When the little boys went off to bed, the four of us watched the entire UT game. Well, let me rephrase that. The big boys watched the entire game. Jo and I were not as interested. We chatted. :)

Still friends after 20 years! Yup, we met in 6th grade when we both played flute. I met her the year before I met M!

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