Sunday, August 17

IBM day at Sea World

Yesterday we were able to get into the park for a reduced price and it included a yummy barbecue lunch! Despite the crowds everywhere you turned, it was a fun day. I think the boys were most excited to see their cousins, not Shamu. I'm ok with that. :)

We had a slight bee incident just before we cooled off in the water park. Mike and M took off to get lockers and while we waited a bee flew up Z shorts. He started off saying "OW" but it escalated into a bit of hysterics - can you blame him? I could tell it was more than an ant in there so I grabbed his shorts from the outside and squeezed. No need to make the thing more mad before I could kill it. After a few squeezes we pulled his shorts down and the bee fell out - dead. A quick trip to the first aid to get some ointment and Motrin and we were good to go. You never would have guessed the kid had just been stung.

Today I haven't heard a thing about it. I've been waiting for him to mention it and still nothing. What a trooper!

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