Monday, July 21

My Dad The Triathlete

Triathlon season is in full swing and we were finally able to make to one this past weekend. M and I took in the DCI finals on Saturday night while the boys spent some time with Mimi and Pappasito. After a few hours of sleep we were all up before the sun to head to the race.

We arrived just in time to watch the entire race. Z was mesmerized by the swimming. I don't think his eyes left the pool while he sat and ate his cereal. Then Pappasito took off on his bike while everyone moved to the bike route to cheer him on. Finally he conquered the 5K run. M was ready with his running gear to run with my dad. Overall Pappasito did great! He said he could hear his cheering section loud and clear.

Originally I was worried about keeping the boys occupied during the race. I knew we were going to be up early, sort of eating breakfast (dry cereal and bananas), and doing a lot of waiting around. We were fine through the swim and bike but as we got to the run they started to get a little restless. However, we had a surprise visit from my cousin Oscar. He is stationed in El Paso but in San Antonio for the next two months for training. He gave Uncle Mike some competition. Z found a new friend and was totally entertained by Oscar.

I was sooo glad to be there to watch my dad, the 58 year old triathlete. We were completely exhausted the rest of the day and it took every bit of strength I had not to fall asleep when I put the boys down at 7:30 that night. But it was worth it! :)


Missy said...

I am so proud of your dad! What a MAN!

Anonymous said...

Wow, congrats to your dad!!!

Hey, we're still settling in...moving sucks!! (:
