Wednesday, July 9


Two weeks of vacationing at the beach were a blast, but we're exhausted. The past few days have been spent cleaning the house and relaxing. We're just not used to being so social!! :) We've only left the house for food and the occasional run. Not exactly my idea of relaxing (the running part) but after eating complete junk a good run kinda feels good. Just don't tell M that I said that...he's still trying to convince me to run the half marathon in San Antonio in October. 12 miles - over two hours. The only things I do for more than two hours are sleep, watch a movie or shop. Running for 2 hours!?#$%^&# It's gonna be a hard sell.

1 comment:

Missy said...

When I read the title of your post, I thought it would be about you buying some hermit crabs since you have been at the beach so much lately! HeHe! I would love you see you soon.