Monday, June 23

Beach Trip '08 - Day One

Sunday morning we got up and packed up the car. We were actually ready to go a bit early! That never happens with us! :)

The drive was long and boring but the boys did really great. I am not above the video games and movies in the car - but only on long road trips. I even bought headphones for the boys to listen to their own music and for the movie, but that didn't work out quite the way I had planned in my mind. Instead of peace and quiet we got, "HEY A! DID YOU SEE THAT!?"

Our drive was uneventful and everyone arrived safe and sound. That evening we had dinner at our favorite pizza place and then called it a night because everyone had had a long day.

Today was our first big beach day. It was soooo great to see the kids love the sand and water. A was a little timid at first, but quickly warmed up and had a blast. I found when I downloaded my pictures that I had spent my day watching my nieces. New subjects!! :)

Here we are at Day 1 and I've already got my annual crack picture!! :) Poor T, her little booty just didn't fill out the bottoms. :)

So after a few hours in the sun we were all ready for naps. Some were more willing to give in than others...

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