Monday, December 10

My Big Boy Turns 4!!

Little "Zach-a-wee-wee" as a friend used to call him, is 4 years old! Some days I look at him and wonder where the time has gone. Other days I want to hang him by his toenails because of some of the stuff he says/does. He is such a boy and growing into his personality more each day. He amazes me with some of the things he says and makes me laugh each day. Just the other night during his bath he changed up the routine on me a little. I always make him stand so I can clean all the creases down there. Well, as I was turned talking to Matt standing in the doorway I hear, "Ok Mama, clean it." I turn to find him with his hands and feet flat along the bottom of the tub and his bird butt straight up in the air! To be 4 and not care...

Saturday we had a Biker Holiday Party for him. We embraced the holiday season and invited 20 kids over to ride their bikes/trikes/scooters in the cul-de-sac. It was more of a toddler invasion but it was so much fun! The weather was beautiful! We had a wonderful time just watching all the kids ride their little hearts out. Add in some nuggets and wraps from Chick-fil-a, chips, dip, fruit, cheese, Baskin Robbins ice cream cake and cookie decorating and you have an awesome party. We scheduled the event from 11-1 but we still had friends over at 1:30. Maybe it was because everyone wanted a turn in Z's new monster truck. It made me feel good to know that everyone was having so much fun they didn't want to leave.

Another year has passed and I look forward to many more with our little man.

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