Tuesday, December 18

Happy 19 Months!!

Another month has passed us by and I am reminded every day how much Austin is changing. Just this morning his milk cup rolled off the kitchen table. I heard, "Aww, maaa!" Yes, he has learned "Awww, maaann!" from big brother. He has picked up words that I don't even know about until they come out. He asks for, "Hhhh" which is 'help'. Now when I hand things back to him he says, "Day Doo" or 'thank you'. His little pointer finger still goes a long way, especially if he doesn't have the word or the sign for what he wants. He's coming into his own and testing the waters a little more each day. I had forgotten that the terrible 2s start now...not when they're 2. I can't complain too much though because he is still pretty laid back. :)

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