Wednesday, October 10

* Saving Grace *

Anyone that knows me can tell you that I dream of going to a taping of the Oprah show. Well I was so proud of myself on Monday because I beat Oprah to something fabulous! She had Jessica Seinfeld with her new cookbook, Deceptively Delicious. I picked it up LAST WEEK!! I'd already been to the grocery store to stock my freezer with purees and there she was on Oprah. GO ME!! If you don't know anything about the book, let me tell you so you can run out and buy it too. It's all about hiding veggies in regular dishes.

I've hit a wall with our tiny man. He refuses and I mean REFUSES to eat a vegetable. He just knows when it's coming at him, like he has little veggie radar. Any color, any game I play, any way I try to sneak it in, he clamps his mouth and turns away. We've even tried the V8 fruit/vegetable drinks after the doctor suggested them. Nope, that doesn't work either. Z on the other hand will still eat peas and green beans out of a can.

So Monday night was the first test: lasagna with sweet potato and califlower. Sounds delish, I know. At this point I don't care, I'll try anything. HE ATE IT!!! Last night, chicken nuggets with broccoli and flaxseed...ate that too!! Z ate the chicken nuggets, went back for more and had three helpings of broccoli. He's the one that hates meat, but not last night. Cut up the chicken, call them nuggets and he loves them!

This book is awesome and I'm going to tell everyone I know all about it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have brownies with spinach and carrots beeping in the oven...

1 comment:

Missy said...

I want to buy the book too. We are in the same boat. I guess I will pick it up at storytime at Barnes and Noble tomorrow. Thanks for the push!