Poor Austin. He spent his 11 month birthday with a fever and a trip to the doctor's office. He had a restless couple of nights with a cold and sore gums due to two more teeth popping through. When the fever hit I knew something was up. He has a history of ear infections so Zachy and I took him in yesterday afternoon.
When the nurse called for Austin, Zachy walked up to her and said, "He has a fever and his toofys hurt." She giggled, regained her composure and said, "Oh no! Well, let's see if we can make him feel better. How does that sound?" Z said, "That sounds good. He needs medicine." At this point I wondered why I was there - Zachy was doing a great job telling the nurse all of Austin's issues. :)

So it turns out he as a double ear infection...again! He's a trooper. Even in pain he was able to push his new "walker" around the house. Matt bought a new coffee/cappuccino maker this past weekend and the box is perfect for Austin to push around the house and work on his walking. He thinks it's hysterical and so does Zachy. Austin is under the weather but he's hangin' tough!!

If you click on this picture to enlarge it you can see the top two teeth that have been giving him fits. The right one came in last week but the left one is being a little more stubborn. He's been working on it for days.
I am glad he is getting his teeth but I feel for him with his ears. We miss you guys. Give the boys a hug from Reno.
Ouch! I hope he feels better soon, and sounds like Dr. Z has a future in pediatrics... :-)
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