Sunday, March 4

Zilker Park Kite Festival

We had such a great time today! The whole family met at Austin High to walk over to the kite festival. We packed a picnic lunch, blankets, kites and bubbles so we could spend the day out at the park. I was a little nervous that the day started off so cool, but it quickly warmed up.

Kim was able to get her Care Bears kite up (Teesa's kite), Mike was able to get Dora flying (Kayla's), but Matt had trouble getting his up (Zachy's dragon). It became the great challenge of the day - who could get the dragon to fly. Next year we pack less food and better kites. :)

Theresa was cracking me up! She's learned to blow bubbles, but I think half her saliva came out with the bubbles.

Our car was very quiet on the way home. The kids had about as much fun as the adults. :)

1 comment:

Galieshinie said...

Hey Matt, hope next time you can get it up!